Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Times, They are Confusing

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I must apologize for the lack of posts recently. I know I suck. But people, I've been going through some shit here. I've got like ten thousand thoughts in this little brain of mine and they are all running in to each other, smashing into a million pieces, and picking up as a whole totally new thought. Listen... I'm gonna get through it, it's really not that big of a deal. But it certainly is difficult to concentrate on something like, "what am I going to post on my blog today," when my feeble, vacation-ridden mind can't even decide, "should I work today or just sit on the couch and watch Eddie Izzard?"

I know, the answer to that last one is obvious, but I really do need money- I'm going to Chicago for New Years. And I want to pick up at least one more shift at GP before their Christmas party so it won't be wierd when I attend. Which I intend to.

I could go on here... laden you with every unmade decision that's floating around up there... but I won't, just know I'm doing my best to make things work out and I will attempt to blog like... once a week? Is that good for you?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Snow Sucks

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I hate snow, it is the worst, and I promise to be overly depressed and not blogging much until it's gone. Deal.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Taking a Break

bah humbug monkey
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm taking a little break from blogging to concentrate on upcoming finals... take care, I'll be back soon.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I haven't slept a minute in the last 48 hours. And certainly not for lack of trying. Relaxation techniques, reading, 2 1/2 shots of NyQuil; nothing has worked. I've had bouts of insomnia before, but never this bad. At this point, I can't think straight, which is fabulous considering I have a class presentation in 20 minutes.

When I was younger, I loved Stephen King's book, Insomnia, and from what I can remember (it has been a long time since I've read it) eventually the guy ends up seeing all sorts of crazy auras and stuff and really, now, something cool like that is all I'm hoping for (it can't be long before it happens, I'm feeling all shaky and wierd right now). Well, that, and maybe a few hours of shut eye but I'm doubtful on that one.

To be honest, I don't even know what's going on, or if any of this makes sense, or anything. I'm just hoping to make it through the day. Five o'clock can not possibly come soon enough.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Farewell, Mooch

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
You shall be missed. While the Lions continue to lose. Over and over and over again.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Fourteen Year Old Twin

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I was at a party last night and when I walked in the door, this girl immediately started giving me these weird looks. Not one to be concerned about that kind of thing, I blew it off until she finally told me what she was thinking, that I look just like Ginny Weasley. Who?? I had no idea... she told me it was some chick from Harry Potter, and I think ya'll know how I feel about dear Harry, so yeah, absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

Anyway, I forgot about it, cause it seems like in this world, everyone walks around telling everyone else that they look like so and so the actor or this girl who I went to high school with... and it is very rarely the case that the two actually look similar. But then this girl showed me this pic of Ginny she had on her iPod photo, and I was shocked. She freaking does look like me. Especially with the way I've recently been wearing my hair. Too freaking wierd.

I showed my mother today at Thanksgiving, and I think she about had a heart attack when I pulled the pic up on the internet. And actually, just looking at it while I'm typing this is creeping me out. Oh yeah, and she's fourteen years old. Sweet. At 24, just what I want is a fourteen year old twin.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

6 AM Should Be Illegal

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
My alarm went off at 6:00 am this morning... man that was a painful sound. Even more agonizing was when I hit the snooze and it seemed like 30 seconds later that terrible beeping started again.

8:00 am classes make me want to hit someone in the face.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Counting it Down

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
So, I use an incredibly simple counter system on the blogs... not even sure why I have them because they certainly aren't all intricate like the ones you see where you can tell how people found the blog, and they don't account for multiple log-ins on a given day. I check the blogs maybe twice a day to see if anyone has commented, so for sure they count my visits, which is weird, and god knows I may have a stalker that checks the blogs like 50 times daily.

But this is what really confuses me. Things Loved is way ahead in hits over Things Hated. I've been told by many people that Things Hated is way better (yes, I write more emotionally when I'm pissed off), and Hated debuted a good 5 months before Loved. Where do I have Loved listed that Hated isn't? Do people stumble upon it and then decide that it sucks so bad that they aren't going to hit the little link up top to check out Hated? I just can't figure it out.

Stupid counters, they drive me crazy.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Procrastination Station

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
This paper is weighing on my mind. The document is open, the sources are to my left, and I've even got the first third of it done. But something in me isn't letting me type another word at the moment.

I've purchased a "new" phone on eBay, done some Christmas shopping on Amazon, chatted with friends, formatted part of the appendix for the paper, and now I'm thinking I should catch up on Pink is the New Blog... oh yeah, and I'm blogging.

Eventually, I must run out of ways to procrastinate, yes? Lets hope so, it would be terribly unfortunate if this paper didn't get done tonight. Where does this issue come from? What is this thing in me that doesn't let me do what I need to do, when I need to do it? Nevermind that I have two days before it's due, I have IMPORTANT THINGS to do, like hang out with Fred Phelps and watch the Lions. Come on, KTC, buckle down. Write the damn paper!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Evil Jimmy John

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Jimmy John, yes, "the" Jimmy John, as in Subs So Fast You'll Freak and all that, likes to kill things. Big, rare things that he has to travel halfway round the world to find. This disgusting image was taken right after he killed this once beautiful, perfectly harmless elephant who certainly did nothing wrong except for mind its own business in its African home. My, Jimmy looks pleased, doesn't he? What a jerk. Don't eat at Jimmy Johns. Just don't do it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I Abhor Tuesdays

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Everyone has their "worst day," that day of the week that you dread waking up on. Tuesday is mine, and here it is upon us.

There is nothing redeemable about a day that begins with waking up at 6am and involves school from 8am until 5pm (and I do happen to think that in a university conspiracy, they put all the most boring classes on Tuesday). As a bonus, today I have an exam. Should be a good one... I tell you, I'd give almost anything to climb back into bed right now.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

KTC and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Series of Unfortunate Events

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
You all know about the car thing... having no wheels sucks for a number of reasons, mostly that I feel no independence and also feel like a burden on my friends who are nice enough to cart me around.

Nothing happened today that equals losing a car, but in the style of Alexander and Leminy Snicket, it was terribly bad.

I was walking down Packard to the store, daydreaming about what a fabulous evening I had last night, when I tripped right over this planter thing and landed on the sidewalk. It hurt. There were cars driving by (so embarrassing). The beautiful onyx bracelet that my mother made me caught on something, sending beads everywhere. My cell phone dropped out of my pocket and twisted into some unrecognizable metal conglomeration.

Grr. Lovely. I picked myself, the beads I could find, the metal thing and it's random pieces up. Went to the store as planned and returned to Jacob's. I started to realize that I was really really hurt, especially my tore up right hand, left elbow, and left knee. Ouch ouch. I put my phone back together as best I could with electrical tape, and to my amazement, all but one button worked. Jacob wouldn't stop making fun of me, so I left to go study at Rendez-Vous.

While walking there, one of the straps on my backpack broke. Great.

Got some work done, and now I'm sitting here with frozen squash on my knee, feeling sorry for myself, and really really not wanting to walk to the bus stop tomorrow. Also desperately hoping the repair stitches in my backpack strap won't give out, and I that I might be able to replace the phone for fairly cheap.

What's next?? At this point I can only say, Bring It On.

Friday, November 04, 2005

News Flash: Sunfire to Enter Car Graveyard

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
The Sunfire drove it's last mile yesterday.

I was driving to my dentist appointment in Walled Lake, stopped at a stoplight (on M-5, a busy 3 lane highway) in the fast lane, and then when it turned green and I hit the excellerator, the car turned off. Shit... started it, hit the gas, turned off again. Repeat. Repeat.

Shit. What do I do? People are zooming past me, honking horns, I am getting panicky, freaking out, calling my mother... she yells at me to get out of the car, I freak out a little more and then go stand on the median. Luckily a cop making a traffic stop saw me pretty quickly, he came and put his lights on behind me. Towed the car to the shop. Freaking out... freaking out so hard, how is this possible, I've already spent so much money on this stupid satan car (new alternator, starter, etc, etc, etc) that was supposed to be so fabulous.

Well, I think I've said I was freaking out quite a few times but I really can not illustrate enough my reaction to this event... panic attack x 10000. I do realize that it's just a car and I'm lucky to not have been hurt. But the countless car problems I've had my whole driving life (see past posts, you will understand) on top of all the shit for school I needed to get done yesterday, and some other stuff that I've got going on... it just really sucked hard.

So, found out today that the transmission is shot, there's stuff wrong with the axles, and some other crap is all screwed up which amounts to around $2500. Yeah, right. Good thing I know how to take the bus.

So, if you happen to know someone selling a cheap used car, please get ahold of me. I am broke but I do have some assets. And I'd much rather put them into a new car than freaking deal with this Sunfire one minute longer.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I Can't Crochet...

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
... or knit or do anything where the outcome would be a comfy blanket, scarf, or (and this is what I really want) legwarmers. I really really want to learn but the tutorials on the web are kinda confusing (not that I've really looked that hard or actually attempted to do it, I don't even have the proper equipment). Someone teach me, please??


Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I've never seen this movie, and I never will. But every time I see the preview, it makes me want to catch a plane to wherever Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst are right now, and give them both a good smack. "No! Bad Movie!"

These two should be capable of more than a stupid, gushy, obscure love story. Give me a break.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Pity Party

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I was talking to Leen earlier today and she told me that she had recently caught up on my blogs, and it looked pretty depressing. I told her with the day that I was having, I had better stay away from writing anything, cause man it was a bad day. But here I am, smack in the middle of a pity party for myself, and I'm going to lay it all out for you.

The day started out normally enough, Isa and I went to a late lunch before heading out to study. Unfortunately, when we left the diner, I noticed that one of my tires was completely flat. Well, I can change a tire but I'm not very good at it, so I decided to ride with Isa to study and get Jacob or Brad to change it when they got home from work.

By this time, I was starting to feel pretty shitty. Since I got my first car at 16 (a lovely 1983 S-10 with holes in the floorboard, thank you) straight up until this very day, I have had nothing but a long slew of automobile problems. This flat tire, along with my mechanic telling me I need a new starter, and the weird noises that it makes all the time, all added up to make me have a near Sunfire-induced heart attack. I have neither time nor money for any of this.

There I was at Rendez-Vous, mulling over my unfortunate situation, when my mother called. Sometimes she has this uncanny ability to make me feel good about myself. This was not one of those times. Suffice to say, the conversation ended with her hanging up on me, and me blinking tears away. I hate crying, rarely do it, and feel like a huge baby when I do.

So Brad got off work, changed my tire, of course the spare was flat... yadda yadda yadda... just more bullshit. Finally got the car back to my place and now, here I am, wallowing in my car hatred and brokeness, too depressed to study.

*sigh* Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I will attempt something cheery for tomorrow.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Joey Harrington Can Not Play QB

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
With only one decent pass and a rediculous amount of shitty ones this past week, I am once again and as usual totally fed up with Joey. Looks like Garcia may play this weekend and it will be a damn good thing if that happens.

I'm hungover, tired, and I need to study so I'm going to stop thinking about how much I absolutely can not stand Joey right now and just say that I think it's time for him to switch to baseball.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Self Censorship

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Lately I've been having issues with this whole blogging thing, I mean, most of you know that I toss around the idea of scrapping the whole project entirely pretty regularly, but this is a somewhat seperate matter. Ultimately, I use blogging as a sort of release similar to journaling, which I've done since I was a kid (still have all of them too, now that is an amusing, embarrasing display). The problem is, I censor myself fairly regularly on this thing. I can't be sure who is reading and who is not. There is no telling who might stumble on my site and realize that they know me and the people I am talking about.

I mean, if I were to say: Last night I went out to Old Town and got completely hammered, then took five of my close friends home for an orgy, after which I ruthlessly kicked them all out on the street at 5 am... well some people may not approve. Although my mother really has no idea even what a blog is, I have a certian amount of paranoia that she will someday stumble across my writing. And since I am not one of the many anonymous bloggers out there (KTC has been a nickname for years and anyone who knows me knows that) I would certainly be screwed.

Also, I know that I have a few loyal readers out there, but there are also a few lurkers, and who can know who they are?? Someone who stumbled upon the blog but knows who I am? Flocks of ex boyfriends that I might want to bitch about? A professor who my good grades rely on? I know, I think about this too much. I shouldn't care, I should be able to say exactly what I am feeling, but I can't. My fingers just won't push the buttons.

And wouldn't the blog be a lot more interesting for you if I could just say what I want to say rather than the normal, "dang I am so busy with school and I just am drowning"? By faithfully reading my ramblings, you should be rewarded by a good juicy story every once in awhile. Also, I probably owe it to myself to disclose my life events honestly. Where is the personal release when I write about shit that doesn't even mean anything? I feel as though I should bust through my self censorship and go all out. I'll work on it.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fall Break

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
It's my first day of fall break and already I'm freaking out a little. I've got this list, this seemingly never ending long ass list of reading that needs to be done, papers that aren't going to write themselves, and oh yeah, a few mundane people things like an oil change and purchasing another keg bucket.

So much for a fall break! I'm going to try and cram cram cram this week, devoting myself to nothing that does not somehow relate to school so that I can be totally prepared... prepared for what? Well, let's just say, there may not be an end in sight yet, but there are rewards in sight, and I am looking forward to them. It's just a little too early to talk about it at this point. More on that later.

As for right now, as you lark about in the fall weather, raking the leaves up into a pile, jumping in, repeating.... just think of me cooped up inside surrounded by textboks, eyes bugging out from the laptop glare. The least you could do is order me a pizza, already.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Let me just describe where I'm at right now... Drowning in social policy theory, suffering through "Human Development, A Life Span View," and so familiar with getting up at 6 am that my body WILL NOT let me sleep past 8.

I have a presentation on Ypsilanti demographics due on Monday, that Life Span crap exam on Tuesday, and a research paper on Michigan Law 710.68 due on Wednesday. I think I'm drowning...

Besides that, I just met with my field instructor who will place me at an internship later this month, and she basically told me that she has no idea what positions are open for the winter, let alone if I will get the position that I want. Lovely.

At this point, I am completely convinced that all of my professors (and others who hold influence over my academic career) hold a weekly secret meeting to decide exactly how to make my life difficult. Yes, it's grad school, yes, I know, it's supposed to be hard. But, dang!

You know I don't have anything due the week after next because that just makes it more frustrating. I can look at the black and blue ink that leaves virtually no white space on my calendar for this upcoming week, and stare at the blankness for the week after with the desperate longing for a time that will never come.

Only 15 more months to go. I'm hanging on.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Sometimes I Wonder...

taste tester
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Actual conversation heard outside of the University of Michigan School of Social Work:

Student 1: So the ones that run around here all the time, they're chipmunks?

Student 2: No, they're squirrels, chipmunks are smaller.

Now I would have totally understood if there was even the slightest detection of an accent from either student, because language/word clarification would have been an obvious reason for the question. But if you're from the US, who doesn't know the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel? Am I wrong to be appalled here?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I Find Harry Potter Creepy

Harry Potter
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Yeah, that's right... little wizard boy has me all skeeved out. Harry Potter was bad enough in the beginning, when dorks way too old to be reading young adult literature flocked all night bookstores everywhere just to get one of the first edition copies. But now! Now, it seems like there is another movie coming out every other second.

I realize the objective of Hollywood, to make enough big budget money making movies as they can before the kid is too old (which, let's admit it, he is already) to play the young Harry. But it is getting to be too much for me. I can not stand the insanity.

I realize that some of you reading this are fans, and you would say, "How would you know? You've never read any of the books/ seen any of the movies." I understand your semi-valid point, but this is my blog, and I hate Harry Potter. And you should too.

Monday, September 26, 2005

How Do You Live With Yourselves?!?

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
So I'm back at Rendes-Vous (surprise surprise) for my break between classes and someone, somehow, has found the five people with the most annoying laughs in all of Ann Arbor and placed them directly to my left. And man, are they living it up. Everything is a knee-slapper. This one guy just said, "You know those one-size-fits-all hats? My head is so big it won't even fit in there!" And the table exploded. Like it was the funniest thing they've ever heard. These people must get out more. Maybe watch some South Park or Family Guy, find out that humor is a distinct quality that doesn't exist in each and every sentence that is uttered.

Perhaps they should also think about the fifteen other people that are up here, attempting to study and giving them dirty looks at every hilarious outburst. Oh my goodness, they are leaving. Thank GOD! Now maybe I can use my last fifteen minutes to get something accomplished. New Rule: No laughing in Rendes-Vous. This is a serious establishment. Homework is not funny. Go to Improv Inferno, for goodness sake.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Joey, Joey, Joey...

joey sacked
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I have to say that I am feeling a little better right now than the few days directly following the debacle that was the Lions Bears game this past Sunday. What a joke. Joey made a complete fool of himself and his team, totally proving that I have been right about him all along. Unfortunately Garcia is unable to patch his mistakes and we are stuck with him or Orlovsky, a lowly rookie. However, I say throw in the rookie, we have virtually nothing to lose.

Luckily, it is a bye week and Garcia can rest while Joey could perhaps, I dunno, learn to throw a football? Plus I can get some homework done on Sunday rather than wasting the day away in front of the boob tube, drinking beer, and ordering delivery food (mostly Chinese). But really, who am I kidding? There is still football, and what is an Autumn Sunday without watching football? A waste, that's what. A total waste.

I included this picture of Joey getting sacked not just to reiterate the fact that he sucks royally, but also because I find it funny. And when you find yourself laughing everytime your QB gets sacked because you hate him so much, it's time to get a new one. Otherwise, it's a complete conflict of interest. Oh, I'm so torn!

Friday, September 09, 2005

All Messed Up

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Man, school is seriously messing with my internal time clock. I've been waking up around 6 am every day to go to school, but I only have class Monday through Wednesday until I get my field placement (basically an internship) in January, so realistically at this point, I could sleep in for the rest of the mornings in the week. But something in my brain doesn't think that I should. Luckily I can usually force myself back to sleep, but then I wake up every hour or so and repeat the process until I finally drag myself out of bed to sit in front of this here timewasting computer.

And I have homework to do... I haven't had homework in awhile, and certainly not crap like this, these hundreds of pages about fun stuff like welfare policy, societal privilege, and social work in a postmodernist view that must be read and comprehended by Monday. Eek.

Also, in a quite embarrasing display while studing at Rendez-Vous yesterday, I tripped over a plank in the balcony and fell, right in front of a few people. Luckily (or so I thought at the time) I caught myself with both arms so I didn't smash my face, but right now the muscles in my upper arms/shoulders are absolutely killing me and I'm wondering if a smashed face wouldn't be better. I think I may need a lawyer.

On I slightly more positive note, I'm headed out to my dad's country palace in Ortonville this evening, totally avoiding the complete craziness that will surround this town for the UM v. Notre Dame game tomorrow. I plan to relax. And do homework. Grr.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Farewell, Employment (Part 5)

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I am reluctant to continue this employment series, especially when it comes to talking about Good Time Charley's. The looming campus bar still plays a more major part in my life than I would like to admit. I've decided to discuss it, as briefly as I can, but I'm thinking this will be the last post on the employment subject for now. It is difficult to reflect on such recent jobs as Grizzly Peak and HelpSource when their impact is still current.

Anyway. Charleys. Chucks. GTC. My life changed forever when I walked in the door for the first time. I was interviewed and hired on the spot (this lackadaisical hiring practice would haunt me for years while I trained people who had zero qualifications), and I later became Head Server and made tons and tons of money which I have since spent on beer and pizza. All of this is inconsequential.

I started to get to know some really crazy people who worked at Charley's, most of them bartenders at the time. I started to party with them a little. It was pretty fun, so I started partying with them a lot. Every night. All previous friendships and other relationships were destroyed by this new, exciting life of alcohol and... other things.

(Let us pause here to say: I have many, many photo albums filled with pictures of those drunken nights. Friends going into politics will be blackmailed.)

If not for the remaining companionship of many of the people who I met through Charley's, I might be bitter about how much it weaved and shaped my life from that fateful hiring date (I might be a little bitter anyway, but it's not too bad). Thank goodness that Charley's delivered some of the most precious people in my life to me. For that reason, I am eternally grateful.

It's also still pretty sweet to chill in one of Ann Arbor's best outdoor cafes and see who can drink the most of those massive long islands. Mmmm.... long islands...

I'll be at Charley's.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Farewell, Employment! (Part 4)

hector and jimmys
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
It feels very weird to look back and think about my first serving job. When I started at Hector and Jimmy's in Milford, MI in 1999, I would have never thought that it would be the first in a string of restaurants that would pay my way through college, provide a non-stop pool of friends (oh and quite a few people who pissed me off through the years), and basically teach me responsibility through the hazy goggles of way too much partying.

I remember quite a few choice things about Hector and Jimmy's: I dropped a huge tray of food on my first day, I had a huge crush on a bartender (his name, Chris, I think?), and tables would demand "ranch and rolls" almost as soon as I would greet them. Admittedly, the ranch and rolls were killer. Southwestern Chicken Salad was awesome too, I'm pretty sure that's what it was called. And Jimmy was pretty crazy, with an affinity for young teenage girls and psycho about whether or not there was anough ketchup gone from the bottle to throw it away. No one ever saw Hector, I really have no idea what his deal was.

I don't even know if this place is still standing (the website has been removed and this tiny tiny picture was the only one I could find on the web), but I think I am going to go check it out this week. I feel a craving for some ranch and rolls coming on.

Rock is off to DC!

reda and brooke
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
My dear, dear friend Brooke (Rock) left the safe confines of Ann Arbor yesterday to pursue a professional career in Washington DC. I am going to miss her so much, which is why this event is categorized in Things Hated, but I have to say that I am incredibly proud of her accomplishments. I am also extremely excited to see what happens next in this girl's life. The possibilities are endless.

To me, Rock has always been that person that you can go talk to if you have a question about politics, but DO NOT start a debate unless you want to be either a) immediately shot down by knowledge that exceeds your lowly brain function or b) involved in a long conversation that could go anywhere; Rock loves a good political discussion.

It makes me feel really pleased that I can watch my friends grow, set their sights high, and depart on the road to success. It's also good for me, cause a girl's got to keep up (yes, motivation comes from having really really smart friends)! Good luck, Rock, I love you and have complete faith that you will do exceedingly well in our nation's capitol!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Farewell, Employment! (Part 3)

mobil sign on grey brick wall
Originally uploaded by limonada.
Ah, my days at the Mobil station!

I got this job when I was 18 years old, because I figured that all you had to do to be a gas station attendant was sit there. I was mostly right. What I didn't know was that my job duties would also include explaining many times daily that I personally had nothing to do with rising gas prices, I had no control over the fact that we were out of Marlboro Lights, and I really had no idea why the crazy guy who works the midnight shift closed the store for two hours last night.

And the midnight guy really was super deranged. He was this weird goth dude who was in some sort of emo/heavy metal band (I really have no idea, I listened to one song ever maybe, and had to stop. It was painful.) Because we were so often out of cigarettes, customers would get really confrontational sometimes, and this guy would just pull out a baseball bat from under the counter and threaten them. It was funny for some reasons (Camp Dearbornites coming in from down the street needed to be threatened) but most of the time it was just really frightening.

I worked most of my shifts at Mobil with this cute 16 year old girl named Collette. She and I were both young and attractive, so naturally, all the creepy older guys from town would come "to grab some coffee" and then stand around and try to talk to us for a half hour or more. Disgusting. On the other hand, I had all of my friends come visit me at work for free coffee and slurpees, and they would stay and chat with me for hours. I got in trouble quite a few times for that after my bosses watched the security tapes.

Luckily, when I was working at Mobil, gas was only $1.50 a gallon. Even then, people were pissed. And they would get pissed at me like I had some sort of control over the situation. I can only imagine the hell that todays attendants go through. Don't yell at these people! Don't even discuss it. They know it's expensive. They work there and see it all day long. They don't need to hear it from you, now grab your Krispy Kreme and get out!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My Life is Random

Originally uploaded by b.e.n..
The other day I was driving home from work. It was really hot outside and since the a/c in my car doesn't work I had the windows rolled down and was enjoying a slight breeze. I stopped at a stop sign, like you do, when all of the sudden I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye and something pelted me HARD in the side of my head. It felt like a bottle or something, and my head immediately began throbbing.

While I was attempting to figure out what had just happened, I started driving again, looked in my rearview mirror, and saw this big guy all nonchalantly crossing the street behind me. I desperately wanted to stop the car, jump out, and ask him what the hell?? But I was alone and really didn't know what this person was capable of.

As I was driving away, still seriously not able to process the last 45 seconds of my life, I realized that whatever had hit me had not been knocked into the back seat as I had thought. "It" was wedged between my back and the seat back. I pulled it out. An orange bic lighter. I couldn't believe something so small had hurt so bad (my head hurt for hours) but I guess the guy had been pretty close to me when the lighter attack occurred.

I wish I knew what had inspired this person to be so violent towards me. Girl problems? Mental illness? Or did I one day personally piss him off? I will probably never know.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Farewell, Employment! (Part Two)

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
First of all, I must apologize in advance for the lack of interesting drivel that might follow in days to come. I have come to realize over the last few evenings that the next two weeks of my life are going to be crazy. Not because I have a ton to do, but because I have relatively NOTHING to do. And Leen just got into town. And Brooke is leaving for DC. And I'm bored, ready to cause some trouble, and act like I'm 20 years old again. Here we go!

But, on to today's actual post:
My second job ever was at Kroger. I don't remember much of what I was actually supposed to be doing, besides putting price tags on things and stocking shelves. I was a "stock girl"? Or something like that. Oh, how I hated it. It was mind-numbingly monotonous. I'm fairly certain that I had gotten the job because my boyfriend had worked there but he quit right before I started... or something. As you can see, my days at Kroger are all a little hazy. Probably because those days were very short numbered. It was the only job that I quit without giving the proper two weeks notice, and I don't really regret never showing up to Kroger to work again.
So there.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Farewell, Employment! (Part One)

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
In ten days, I will be unemployed for the first time in eight years. While I may still pick up shifts here and there, I will have no work schedule (and I have resolved not to work at all for at least the first month of graduate school). This is slightly creepy to me and I am not sure what to expect. Will I go insane for lack of bullshit? Or will I like it so much that I will never want to work again?

This "Farewell, Employment" mini series is designed to look back on all of the jobs that I have held since I was sixteen, each and every one of which I have despised in some way, if not many ways.

My first job was a bagger/cart girl at Meijer. I was 16 years old, and my best friend and I worked there together. The work wasn't so bad, by which I mean we usually just clowned around in the parking lot, attempting to seem as if we were doing something useful. The main reason that my job at Meijer is memorable, however, is because I fell head over heels for a cute Jehova's Witness boy who rather dug me as well. His mother worked there with him, and she wasn't quite as keen on my Christian-raised self hanging around her son all the time. So I was tortured by teenage lust mixed with those eerie flyers that the mother was always giving me. Eventually he and I decided it wasn't going to last and gave up. But those hilarious memories will be with me forever.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Peoria Alive, Indeed!

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I must apologize for the lack of posts on the blogs lately, I have been pretty dang busy. In fact, I just minutes ago got back from the lovely city of Peoria, Illinois. I'm being sarcastic. Hello.

Why anyone would want to live in the freaking middle of nowhere*, I have no idea. The drive from here to there has got to be the worst part. I've been crusing through massive construction and more semi trucks than I have ever seen for the last 6 and a half hours and I really really need to shower. Peace.

(More posts to come soon, I have so many things to say right now. I promise.)

*Synonyms: boilerplate, common, commonplace, customary, everyday, fair, familiar, garden, garden-variety, general, humdrum, intermediate, mainstream, mediocre, medium, middling, moderate, nowhere, ordinary, passable, plastic, regular, run-of-the-mill, so-so, standard, tolerable, typical, undistinguished, unexceptional, usual, vanilla, white bread

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Thanks Guys

The Kiss
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Well, I still am feeling rather bitter about blogging, not really sure if I will keep it up, but if I did stop, how could I share these little photo gems with the world? This is the matching picture from Brad's birthday post on Things Loved. Be sure to check that one out.

Thanks for the nice comments. They are lovely.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I'm sick of these stupid blogs. No one reads this shit anyways.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Dysfunctional Family

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Yep, I have a dysfunctional family. I've known this for awhile. But suddenly, a way to cope! My mom sent me this link this morning and I thought I'd share: Dysfunctional Family Letter.

Oh, and this image is from one of my favorite photographers, Tina Barney.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Filthy Rich

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I have family members who are obscenely rich. They are stingy, yet spend money on gaudy shit to decorate themselves and their houses pretentiously. What is it about money that makes people act like this?

Monday, August 01, 2005

Lack of Animals

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I have a cat and some fish. But it's not enough!!! There is something missing! Actually, quite a few things missing. I can't really have any more animals where I'm living right now, and this factor alone might make me move out after my lease is up (after three long years of living in the same place). I'm gonna do it, I swear! I NEED puppies in my life, it is SO necessary (specifically, my ultimate triad: a great dane, a rottwieler, and a doberman). I also desperately need horses, pigs, goats, more cats, birds, turtles, more fish, and who knows what else? The possibilities are endless. Bring on the farm!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Jeffs: Part Two.

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I really don't even know where to start when trying to roll the last six years I have known Sablack into one blog entry. He's always been a sweetheart, but don't let him fool you, he's not nearly as innocent as he usually looks (I realize he doesn't look all that innocent in this picture anyway). I'll never forget going to get my much too large tattoo with him while he got his own. And dang, I just remembered that I've always meant to paint his car all flower and hearts-like and never got around to it.

And now, the Jeffs are off to Chicago. Which is sad, but fortunate in a way. The Windy City is one of my favorite places to visit, and now I won't even bother with finding a hotel. I'll just roll up and stay on the Jeff's couch. I'm sure they won't mind...

The Jeffs: Part One.

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Let's get one thing straight, just cause they're making their debut appearance on Things Hated, does not mean I hate The Jeffs (well, at least not all of the time). Unfortunately, it means that they are leaving!! I have forgotten what life was like without them, and it probably was not nearly as fun.

This is Sip, dressed as he is most comfortable, in his pimp gear. I've always felt totally comfortable hanging out with this magnificent tall, blond, male specimen... and he even has some intellegent things to say sometimes! No, seriously though, look how cute he is... I will certainly miss this dear friend, and he better come back to visit!

Friday, July 22, 2005

The Final Fish Has Dropped Dead

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Well. After several emergency life saving procedures, I lost my Pleco fish last night. He was like five years old and at least as big as the one pictured here. It was really sad to lose him. Come to find out, you're really not supposed to clean the tank and rocks and filter completely because you lose important bacteria that breaks down nitrates, and blah blah blah.... well, what it really comes down to is that I blame Chris for this death. He is after all, the one who cleaned the tank. I can not possibly be held responsible.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Fish Murderer

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Yesterday I inherited some fish. They've been passed around (or at least, the tank has, I hear some fish have been replaced before) in at least five households that I know of, and as I have lived with these fish previously, it is now my turn to take them under my wing. What a huge pain in the arse it is to take apart a fish tank, drive with the fish in bags, and then put the fishtank back together! Didn't quite realize that.

Anyway, the fish got here just fine, but the combination of the stressfull move and the fact that I may have forgotten to put water in the filter resulted in the death of two fish by this afternoon. There is one left, a strong "sucker" fish, but I'm going to have to go get him some company. Hopefully my fish murderous tendancies don't come out in this new batch.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Porch Light
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I go to work between 2 and 4, and usually return between 10 and midnight. My roommate leaves around 5pm and doesn't get back until around 4am. Therefore, it becomes his responsibility to turn on the porch light so that I can see what the heck I'm doing and where my key is when I get home. The first night he forgot this week, no big deal. The second night, two large men were hiding behind a tree staring at me while I struggled to find the correct key. I thought I was done for, but I made it inside. Then, the third night, I had enough. I wrote a nice note, "TURN THE PORCH LIGHT ON BEFORE YOU GO TO WORK, you bastard!" as well as spoke to him a bit about it this afternoon. I was confident that the light would not be forgotten this evening. But once again, I came home to a dark entryway. I called him at work to bitch him out, as well as taped my note to the front door where it would be nearly impossible to miss. Now let's see what happens. I have the next two nights off, but once I go back to work, if that light is not on when I get home, there goes the contents of the fridge right into his bed. Watch out, roommie!

It's 2pm, What Are You Watching?

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
There is absolutely nothing worthwhile on TV at 2 in the afternoon. What is this about? I can usually find SOMETHING that will amuse me for an hour, but when it's 2, I am at a loss. I can pick between Star Trek, The E! True Hollywood Story of Jean-Claude Van Damme, Whose Line is it Anyway?, and a bunch of other crap. I should go for a bike ride but it is so damn hot out all I want to do is chill in my basement before I go into my non-air conditioned work. MMmmm... basement... Yep, I'm watching Whose Line.

iPod Withdrawl

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I realized the first (and hopefully only) flaw with the "new" Sunfire... no tape deck! Which means I can't listen to my iPod in my car without an iTrip. That's how they getcha. So, reluctantly, I have picked out about 15 essential CD's to go in the car, but I don't even have one of those things that holds them on the sun visor. I will have to pick one of those up this week. And as for the iTrip, I have a feeling that it's going to have to wait until Christmas. Unless there is some weird holiday in between here and then that I could squeeze a present out of my mother? Hm, with all the money she's been shelling out on me recently, I sincerely doubt it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My Parents Hate Each Other

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
And for that, I kinda hate them too. Well, at times. Mostly yesterday.
My parents divorced before I was a year old, and since then I've only seen them in the same room twice (high school graduation and when I flipped my car). This is a good thing. They do enough bickering via ME that I can't imagine what it would be like if they saw each other on a regular basis.
Yesterday was so exhausing, trying to get the Sunfire all set and insured, each one of them throwing insults about the other to me, when I just really don't even want to hear it.
These two people are so completely different that I can not even imagine how they thought they were compatible enough to get married. Were they on drugs?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Email Hell

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I think I've established previously that I know nothing about computers. It took me forever to figure out how to put pictures on a blog, html is foriegn to me, and now that I've finally opened a gmail account, I can not for the life of me get it to forward to mozilla thunderbird. Yes, POP is enabled, yes I've gone through the set up process on thunderbird a jillion times. I have resigned myself to actually going to the gmail website to check my mail. *sigh*
Anyways, the new email is, although you can still use, or the brand new I am intellegent enough to figure out how to have those forwarded. That's not saying much.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Well, I had two posts ready to go for Things Loved, but my internet connection is really pissing me off. Generally it goes out about once a week, and when it happens I either yell at Brad to fix it or I run up the two flights of stairs to unplug and replug this cord to this thingy (yes I am clueless). I've done the running thing now like 10 times, where I would get upstairs, do the thing, see that the connection is back up, run back down the stairs and sit down at the computer just for it to go out right as I get there. Not cool. So Things Loved will have to wait. I'm too pissed to post there right now. I'm going upstairs to watch the first two Real Worlds that I taped earlier. Harumph.

Gossip, Folks!

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I am willing to admit that I have participated in gossip once or twice. Okay, honestly, gossip is one of my favorite activities with my girlfriends (although I do have a "vault" and am very good at keeping certain information to myself) but I truly believe that most of it is innocent and harmless. Plus, as 20-something females, we really are in the demographic for gossip. Here's when I hate gossip: When men gossip, when gossip occurs in a church setting, when gossip happens within a family. These things really piss me off. Grow up, people.

Personal Goal Statement

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Okay, so you're trying to get into grad school. You write a personal statment that is painful and takes forever, but it's done. And you get into school! So the statement worked! Don't have to do it again, right? Um, apparently you do. In order to get a field placement in my program, I have to write a "personal goal statement" that describes what I would like to get out of graduate school. That sounds like a good afternoon of staring blankly at the computer screen. And, by the way, this is my true personal goal statment: I hope that after grad school I will be able to make enough money to buy a car that actually runs, own a few dogs, and maybe a house someday. For some reason I don't think that's what they want to hear. I'll have to work on making up some good shit about wanting to help people or whatever.