Friday, September 23, 2005

Joey, Joey, Joey...

joey sacked
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I have to say that I am feeling a little better right now than the few days directly following the debacle that was the Lions Bears game this past Sunday. What a joke. Joey made a complete fool of himself and his team, totally proving that I have been right about him all along. Unfortunately Garcia is unable to patch his mistakes and we are stuck with him or Orlovsky, a lowly rookie. However, I say throw in the rookie, we have virtually nothing to lose.

Luckily, it is a bye week and Garcia can rest while Joey could perhaps, I dunno, learn to throw a football? Plus I can get some homework done on Sunday rather than wasting the day away in front of the boob tube, drinking beer, and ordering delivery food (mostly Chinese). But really, who am I kidding? There is still football, and what is an Autumn Sunday without watching football? A waste, that's what. A total waste.

I included this picture of Joey getting sacked not just to reiterate the fact that he sucks royally, but also because I find it funny. And when you find yourself laughing everytime your QB gets sacked because you hate him so much, it's time to get a new one. Otherwise, it's a complete conflict of interest. Oh, I'm so torn!

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