Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Jeffs: Part Two.

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I really don't even know where to start when trying to roll the last six years I have known Sablack into one blog entry. He's always been a sweetheart, but don't let him fool you, he's not nearly as innocent as he usually looks (I realize he doesn't look all that innocent in this picture anyway). I'll never forget going to get my much too large tattoo with him while he got his own. And dang, I just remembered that I've always meant to paint his car all flower and hearts-like and never got around to it.

And now, the Jeffs are off to Chicago. Which is sad, but fortunate in a way. The Windy City is one of my favorite places to visit, and now I won't even bother with finding a hotel. I'll just roll up and stay on the Jeff's couch. I'm sure they won't mind...

The Jeffs: Part One.

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Let's get one thing straight, just cause they're making their debut appearance on Things Hated, does not mean I hate The Jeffs (well, at least not all of the time). Unfortunately, it means that they are leaving!! I have forgotten what life was like without them, and it probably was not nearly as fun.

This is Sip, dressed as he is most comfortable, in his pimp gear. I've always felt totally comfortable hanging out with this magnificent tall, blond, male specimen... and he even has some intellegent things to say sometimes! No, seriously though, look how cute he is... I will certainly miss this dear friend, and he better come back to visit!

Friday, July 22, 2005

The Final Fish Has Dropped Dead

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Well. After several emergency life saving procedures, I lost my Pleco fish last night. He was like five years old and at least as big as the one pictured here. It was really sad to lose him. Come to find out, you're really not supposed to clean the tank and rocks and filter completely because you lose important bacteria that breaks down nitrates, and blah blah blah.... well, what it really comes down to is that I blame Chris for this death. He is after all, the one who cleaned the tank. I can not possibly be held responsible.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Fish Murderer

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Yesterday I inherited some fish. They've been passed around (or at least, the tank has, I hear some fish have been replaced before) in at least five households that I know of, and as I have lived with these fish previously, it is now my turn to take them under my wing. What a huge pain in the arse it is to take apart a fish tank, drive with the fish in bags, and then put the fishtank back together! Didn't quite realize that.

Anyway, the fish got here just fine, but the combination of the stressfull move and the fact that I may have forgotten to put water in the filter resulted in the death of two fish by this afternoon. There is one left, a strong "sucker" fish, but I'm going to have to go get him some company. Hopefully my fish murderous tendancies don't come out in this new batch.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Porch Light
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I go to work between 2 and 4, and usually return between 10 and midnight. My roommate leaves around 5pm and doesn't get back until around 4am. Therefore, it becomes his responsibility to turn on the porch light so that I can see what the heck I'm doing and where my key is when I get home. The first night he forgot this week, no big deal. The second night, two large men were hiding behind a tree staring at me while I struggled to find the correct key. I thought I was done for, but I made it inside. Then, the third night, I had enough. I wrote a nice note, "TURN THE PORCH LIGHT ON BEFORE YOU GO TO WORK, you bastard!" as well as spoke to him a bit about it this afternoon. I was confident that the light would not be forgotten this evening. But once again, I came home to a dark entryway. I called him at work to bitch him out, as well as taped my note to the front door where it would be nearly impossible to miss. Now let's see what happens. I have the next two nights off, but once I go back to work, if that light is not on when I get home, there goes the contents of the fridge right into his bed. Watch out, roommie!

It's 2pm, What Are You Watching?

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
There is absolutely nothing worthwhile on TV at 2 in the afternoon. What is this about? I can usually find SOMETHING that will amuse me for an hour, but when it's 2, I am at a loss. I can pick between Star Trek, The E! True Hollywood Story of Jean-Claude Van Damme, Whose Line is it Anyway?, and a bunch of other crap. I should go for a bike ride but it is so damn hot out all I want to do is chill in my basement before I go into my non-air conditioned work. MMmmm... basement... Yep, I'm watching Whose Line.

iPod Withdrawl

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I realized the first (and hopefully only) flaw with the "new" Sunfire... no tape deck! Which means I can't listen to my iPod in my car without an iTrip. That's how they getcha. So, reluctantly, I have picked out about 15 essential CD's to go in the car, but I don't even have one of those things that holds them on the sun visor. I will have to pick one of those up this week. And as for the iTrip, I have a feeling that it's going to have to wait until Christmas. Unless there is some weird holiday in between here and then that I could squeeze a present out of my mother? Hm, with all the money she's been shelling out on me recently, I sincerely doubt it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My Parents Hate Each Other

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
And for that, I kinda hate them too. Well, at times. Mostly yesterday.
My parents divorced before I was a year old, and since then I've only seen them in the same room twice (high school graduation and when I flipped my car). This is a good thing. They do enough bickering via ME that I can't imagine what it would be like if they saw each other on a regular basis.
Yesterday was so exhausing, trying to get the Sunfire all set and insured, each one of them throwing insults about the other to me, when I just really don't even want to hear it.
These two people are so completely different that I can not even imagine how they thought they were compatible enough to get married. Were they on drugs?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Email Hell

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I think I've established previously that I know nothing about computers. It took me forever to figure out how to put pictures on a blog, html is foriegn to me, and now that I've finally opened a gmail account, I can not for the life of me get it to forward to mozilla thunderbird. Yes, POP is enabled, yes I've gone through the set up process on thunderbird a jillion times. I have resigned myself to actually going to the gmail website to check my mail. *sigh*
Anyways, the new email is primalktc@gmail.com, although you can still use kchynowet@emich.edu, or the brand new katichyn@umich.edu. I am intellegent enough to figure out how to have those forwarded. That's not saying much.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Well, I had two posts ready to go for Things Loved, but my internet connection is really pissing me off. Generally it goes out about once a week, and when it happens I either yell at Brad to fix it or I run up the two flights of stairs to unplug and replug this cord to this thingy (yes I am clueless). I've done the running thing now like 10 times, where I would get upstairs, do the thing, see that the connection is back up, run back down the stairs and sit down at the computer just for it to go out right as I get there. Not cool. So Things Loved will have to wait. I'm too pissed to post there right now. I'm going upstairs to watch the first two Real Worlds that I taped earlier. Harumph.

Gossip, Folks!

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I am willing to admit that I have participated in gossip once or twice. Okay, honestly, gossip is one of my favorite activities with my girlfriends (although I do have a "vault" and am very good at keeping certain information to myself) but I truly believe that most of it is innocent and harmless. Plus, as 20-something females, we really are in the demographic for gossip. Here's when I hate gossip: When men gossip, when gossip occurs in a church setting, when gossip happens within a family. These things really piss me off. Grow up, people.

Personal Goal Statement

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Okay, so you're trying to get into grad school. You write a personal statment that is painful and takes forever, but it's done. And you get into school! So the statement worked! Don't have to do it again, right? Um, apparently you do. In order to get a field placement in my program, I have to write a "personal goal statement" that describes what I would like to get out of graduate school. That sounds like a good afternoon of staring blankly at the computer screen. And, by the way, this is my true personal goal statment: I hope that after grad school I will be able to make enough money to buy a car that actually runs, own a few dogs, and maybe a house someday. For some reason I don't think that's what they want to hear. I'll have to work on making up some good shit about wanting to help people or whatever.