Friday, July 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Well, I had two posts ready to go for Things Loved, but my internet connection is really pissing me off. Generally it goes out about once a week, and when it happens I either yell at Brad to fix it or I run up the two flights of stairs to unplug and replug this cord to this thingy (yes I am clueless). I've done the running thing now like 10 times, where I would get upstairs, do the thing, see that the connection is back up, run back down the stairs and sit down at the computer just for it to go out right as I get there. Not cool. So Things Loved will have to wait. I'm too pissed to post there right now. I'm going upstairs to watch the first two Real Worlds that I taped earlier. Harumph.


Alicia said...

I'm really enjoying the things hated... good work. :-) fyi- I sent you a bunch of pics from Friday night, I'll bring my camera tonight to Manchester, and send you those too.

Unknown said...

You sent me pics? I didn't get them :(