Friday, July 01, 2005

Personal Goal Statement

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Okay, so you're trying to get into grad school. You write a personal statment that is painful and takes forever, but it's done. And you get into school! So the statement worked! Don't have to do it again, right? Um, apparently you do. In order to get a field placement in my program, I have to write a "personal goal statement" that describes what I would like to get out of graduate school. That sounds like a good afternoon of staring blankly at the computer screen. And, by the way, this is my true personal goal statment: I hope that after grad school I will be able to make enough money to buy a car that actually runs, own a few dogs, and maybe a house someday. For some reason I don't think that's what they want to hear. I'll have to work on making up some good shit about wanting to help people or whatever.

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