Thursday, October 06, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Let me just describe where I'm at right now... Drowning in social policy theory, suffering through "Human Development, A Life Span View," and so familiar with getting up at 6 am that my body WILL NOT let me sleep past 8.

I have a presentation on Ypsilanti demographics due on Monday, that Life Span crap exam on Tuesday, and a research paper on Michigan Law 710.68 due on Wednesday. I think I'm drowning...

Besides that, I just met with my field instructor who will place me at an internship later this month, and she basically told me that she has no idea what positions are open for the winter, let alone if I will get the position that I want. Lovely.

At this point, I am completely convinced that all of my professors (and others who hold influence over my academic career) hold a weekly secret meeting to decide exactly how to make my life difficult. Yes, it's grad school, yes, I know, it's supposed to be hard. But, dang!

You know I don't have anything due the week after next because that just makes it more frustrating. I can look at the black and blue ink that leaves virtually no white space on my calendar for this upcoming week, and stare at the blankness for the week after with the desperate longing for a time that will never come.

Only 15 more months to go. I'm hanging on.

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