Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fall Break

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
It's my first day of fall break and already I'm freaking out a little. I've got this list, this seemingly never ending long ass list of reading that needs to be done, papers that aren't going to write themselves, and oh yeah, a few mundane people things like an oil change and purchasing another keg bucket.

So much for a fall break! I'm going to try and cram cram cram this week, devoting myself to nothing that does not somehow relate to school so that I can be totally prepared... prepared for what? Well, let's just say, there may not be an end in sight yet, but there are rewards in sight, and I am looking forward to them. It's just a little too early to talk about it at this point. More on that later.

As for right now, as you lark about in the fall weather, raking the leaves up into a pile, jumping in, repeating.... just think of me cooped up inside surrounded by textboks, eyes bugging out from the laptop glare. The least you could do is order me a pizza, already.

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