Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I Abhor Tuesdays

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Everyone has their "worst day," that day of the week that you dread waking up on. Tuesday is mine, and here it is upon us.

There is nothing redeemable about a day that begins with waking up at 6am and involves school from 8am until 5pm (and I do happen to think that in a university conspiracy, they put all the most boring classes on Tuesday). As a bonus, today I have an exam. Should be a good one... I tell you, I'd give almost anything to climb back into bed right now.


Alicia said...

I feel ya on Tuesday sucking... I woke up, was greeted with a snotty email from someone, found out my grandpa was admitted into the hospital, left work to go see him, and fell down the stairs in the rain and scuffed my cute shoes. jeez.

Hope your week gets better! :-)

Unknown said...

Alicia! We must have been secretly admitted into the Bad Luck Club. I don't know about you but I'm ready to turn in my membership card. Hope everything gets better for you too!