Thursday, November 17, 2005

Evil Jimmy John

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Jimmy John, yes, "the" Jimmy John, as in Subs So Fast You'll Freak and all that, likes to kill things. Big, rare things that he has to travel halfway round the world to find. This disgusting image was taken right after he killed this once beautiful, perfectly harmless elephant who certainly did nothing wrong except for mind its own business in its African home. My, Jimmy looks pleased, doesn't he? What a jerk. Don't eat at Jimmy Johns. Just don't do it.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I will never eat at jimmy johns again. I will tell everyone i know

william said...

I can't wait for a an elephant meat sandwich!!


jimmy did it again!

Anonymous said...

I work at one. It's bullshit, because you don't get vacation time, sick leave, and you're constantly bugged if you want to work other people's shifts. I didn't even know this until after I started working there in September. I'm currently looking for a new job now. I'm tired of it!