Saturday, August 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I'm sick of these stupid blogs. No one reads this shit anyways.


Anonymous said...

Well, I read them. :)

jomama said...

Well, I read your shit.

I think it's about pleasing yourself,
learning how to write and
think more than getting readers.

Keep hackin'.

Anonymous said...

I am a novice in operating a Siemens mobile. And Siemens CF75 made a statement at my first glance at it.
Great blog site!! Bookmarked it.

I have a Hunter Ceiling Fan Replacement site/blog. It pretty much covers Hunter Ceiling Fan Replacement related stuff.

Come see mine if you get time.

Anonymous said...

I also read your blog, it is on my favorites list, a list of either content or design. I like it, its original