Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back to School

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Vacation is over. It had to happen eventually. But I'm not ready!!! I had such a wonderful time on break (I literally caught up with EVERYONE I know). Why can't things be that way all the time? Slumber parties, holidays, bar nights, novel reading, reality television viewing... it was all so amazing. In the immortal words of William Shatner, "If we never had a problem, that's what life would be like."

I know I'm whining here, but I already have about a bazillion pages of scholarly journals to read and I JUST DON'T WANT TO DO IT! Oh well, back to the ol' grind.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Hah! Hilarious... I love comparing our posts. :-) And even though I'm ready to be busy again, the break was very well-needed and a terrific time.