Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Conveniently Forgotten

I love Lifetime movies more than anyone you know.  I promise.  There are some I would never ever watch (the ones with old people) but there are more that I treasure saved on my dvr than I care to admit and that I will torture Andy to find somehow online once we move in together.  One aired recently was up in my top 5- Gracies Choice.  Starring a young Kristen Bell
If she were in my living room, Eric would try to hump her leg.
and a decently written story, it's one of the very few I've been able to find on dvd.  But since it was on, I recorded it.  And of course remembered why I hate this movie for it's opening scene where a beaut of a German Shepherd (top 5 breeds of dogs) gets left behind and desperately runs after the family car.

Nothing is sadder than sad animals.

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