Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Conveniently Forgotten

I love Lifetime movies more than anyone you know.  I promise.  There are some I would never ever watch (the ones with old people) but there are more that I treasure saved on my dvr than I care to admit and that I will torture Andy to find somehow online once we move in together.  One aired recently was up in my top 5- Gracies Choice.  Starring a young Kristen Bell
If she were in my living room, Eric would try to hump her leg.
and a decently written story, it's one of the very few I've been able to find on dvd.  But since it was on, I recorded it.  And of course remembered why I hate this movie for it's opening scene where a beaut of a German Shepherd (top 5 breeds of dogs) gets left behind and desperately runs after the family car.

Nothing is sadder than sad animals.

Overly Sensitive

It's very important to be sure that you've got working smoke detectors throughout your house.  I am VERY sure I have a working smoke detector in my kitchen since it goes off nearly every time I turn on the oven.  There's no visible smoke, the thing is clear across my vaulted ceiling kitchen but it's beeping like crazy. 

I've got a different finger for you, mister.