Sunday, April 24, 2005

What in the World is Going On?

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I know I've posted a few times about how much I hate snow... and I had thought that my opportunity for this type of redundant post was over, but apparently not. It started snowing yesterday morning and pretty much has not stopped. A snowstorm on April 24, gotta love Michigan. As most of you know, I have that whole driving in snow phobia, so my plans to have dinner with my grandparents and my mom, as well as attending my mom's handbell concert have been cancelled. This is kinda upsetting to me, but it is devistating to my mother. Which makes it worse for me; I hate it when she is upset. Also, I am stuck in the house, destined to stare out the window and wonder when the nastiness will stop. Will I have to dig out my scraper from storage in order to drive to work tomorrow? Probably. Definately.
I took this picture of my beautiful tri-colored tulips this morning. Aren't they lovely? Poor babies.

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